Get started with SafeComm

Before you can use the app, follow these steps.

Updated | December 21, 2020

Getting started using SafeComm only takes a handful of steps, each thoughtfully mapped out to keep things simple while also adhering to FERPA standards to ensure the safety of children.

If you’d like a SafeComm team member to assist you in getting started with SafeComm, we’re happy to help you in every step along the way.  Simply send at an e-mail to to schedule a time, or call us at (630) 989-8157 for immediate assistance.

Create your organization

To get started you’ll need to provide generational information about the organization, including contact information for the authorized administrator(s).


This verification process is necessary to set up a secure account and meet FERPA standards.  These steps also help us to ensure that individuals do not abuse the SafeComm messaging platform.

SETUP using the webapp

Upload users and setup groups that you’ll send message to.  An invitation to use SafeComm will be sent via text message and e-mail to the parent/legal guardian of every child to ensure that they are  aware of SafeComm being used.


Invitations send to users — administrators, parents/legal guardians, and children — will include directions to download the app from either the Apple or Google app store.  When the login your first messages will be waiting there to welcome them to SafeComm.

Get Started

It’s time to get your organization communicating with the most advanced message tool for youth sports and education — SafeComm.

Get Started Now!

Ask A Question

If you still have questions regarding SafeComm technology, how to get started, compliance concerns, and more, we are here to help you. 

Send us your question.

Learn More

Every community is effected by inappropriate relationships between trusted adults and youth.  Keep informed on how SafeComm is helping. 

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